Monday, July 30, 2012


I just looked at the blog and realized how long it's been since I've posted anything.  I really hope you will forgive me for not keeping this blog as current as usual.  With Summer Reading, the flood and *surprise*  my new promotion to Children's Librarian at the Washington City Branch (this just happened today) it's been pretty crazy lately. 

This is to let you know the Mother Daughter Book Club will be moving with me to the Washington City Library.  We will also have to start a little earlier because the Washington Branch closes earlier than the St. George Branch.  I will let you know exactly what time when I am able to finalize some things.  Plan for about 5:00 or 6:00 starting time.  We will discuss a more permanent meeting time when we see each other again, so ask any of your interested friends what time they'd like to meet!

We had to have our last meeting in the children's area because of the flooding downstairs, but We made it work.  For our craft we made mini bubble magnets.  We even ran out of glue, we made so many. :) 

Our next meeting will be on August 22 and don't forget it will be at the Washington Branch.  The book is the first book in the Sister's Grimm Series, The Fairy-Tale Detectives.

I'll see you at the Washington Branch!
